Monday, April 23, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Joyful Communications

Last week in class I shared this video to illustrate the communications power of photography and music. Thought I'd include the link here as well in case you wanted to watch it again...

Guest-Speaker Introduction Videos

Here are videos of those who did the guest-speaker introductions on week 2. As with the others, these are private; I can give you your video file if you would like a copy. If you didn't do the guest speaker introduction on week 2, you still have a chance to do it on week 3.




Josh, part 1

Josh, part 2

Matt M.

Steven, part 1

Steven, part 2

More Self-Introductions

Here are videos of those who did the self-introductions (requirement 2) in class during week 2 (again, these videos are hosted on YouTube but are private; only those with the link can see them; if you would like a copy of your video, please e-mail me).

There is still a chance (next week) to do the self-introduction for those who have not done it yet.



Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Public Speaking

A sacrament meeting talk, Primary talk, or other five-minute speech in a large group setting can fulfill this requirement. Note that the requirement says to write a speech. If possible, I would like to see a copy of your written talk when I sign off this requirement.

To fulfill the requirement, the talk should have been given sometime after you turned 11 years old and became a Scout.

In planning your talk, refer to the teaching TEPEES we discussed in class. This outline (for teaching to inform) is a great outline for writing a speech as well.

Please give me a piece of paper with the details and initials below after you have given your talk (the merit badge requirement sheet I gave you in class has spaces for this information; you can just write the information on that sheet if you would like). Please bring a copy of your written speech, if possible. If you do not have a copy of the written speech anymore, please be prepared to tell me a bit about your talk in person.
  • Setting/Audience
  • Date of Speech
  • Scout Initial
  • Parent Initial

If you haven't yet given a talk that would qualify for this requirement, please keep a record of the other requirements that you have completed and contact me after you have given your speech.

The Teaching EDGE (Teach a Skill)

In class today we talked about the Teaching EDGE, which can be used to help you teach someone a skill. Here is a reminder for you about what is included in the Teaching EDGE:
  • Explain: Tell them how to do it.
  • Demonstrate: Show them how to do it.
  • Guide: Let them do it, with your help.
  • Enable: Let them do it on their own.

The Teaching TEPEES (Teach to Inform)

For the next class session, everyone needs to come prepared to teach something to someone else. You can either teach them a skill or you can teach them about something. In either case, you need to bring some sort of visual aid. You should plan to spend about 5 minutes teaching.

In class today, we talked about the Teaching TEPEES, which can help you in teaching to inform someone about something. Here is a reminder about what is included in the Teaching TEPEES:
  • Topic: Introduce your topic.
  • Enlighten: Show why it is important; generate interest.
  • Points: Share 3 to 5 main points.
  • Explain: Explain each point or
  • Examples: Give examples of each point.
  • Summarize: Restate the main points.